
Most of the people that will read this actually know me.  But the rest of you can treat the following as a hypothetical question.  Let's rewind the clock just a few years and remember when I was 60 years old.  Just imagine -- if it came out now that I had slept with a porn star.  A porn star younger than my daughter.

Would you still invite me over to your house for dinner?  Would you ask me to pick your kids up from school when you needed a favor?  Would you still shake my hand when you saw me at church?  Would you vote for me if I ran for the County Commission?  How about for President?

Forget that I stiffed your friend after he did a week's worth of work on my office.  Forget that I cheated on my taxes -- when you didn't.  Just imagine I -- for whatever twisted reasons -- had slept with a porn star (younger than my daughter) back when I was 60.  Would you vote for me?  For anything?

Over 74 million Americans answered "yes" to that question.  For a guy they didn't even know.  And that was after the Hollywood Access tape, cursing in front of thousands of Boy Scouts, shoving a Prime Minister out of his way, taking Putin's side over the entire U.S. intelligence apparatus, making the Queen of England wait and holding up a Bible of front of an Episcopal Church after gassing protestors to clear a path for his photo op.  (I'm sure you have your own list of unsavory moments.)

Trump isn't the problem.  We are the problem.

If you're too young to recognize Pogo, look him up.  Yes, I went out and bought the newspaper just for historical purposes.  You're going to miss newspapers.  But it's okay because you probably won't remember.

Don Brown
April 5, 2023


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