Looking Back at Trump The Terrible

Summer is here. I can tell because, suddenly, I have time to listen to more podcasts as I spend more time working in the yard.  A month ago, even in the middle of a pandemic, I was a week behind on Georgia politics (Political Rewind).  Now, suddenly, I listened to every episode of Frontline's "America’s Great Divide: From Obama to Trump" today.

That's the link I want you to click on.  I guess web sites stopped letting you embed their videos while I wasn't blogging.  So don't get distracted with the rest of this. I want you to listen to at least the first episode -- if not the whole thing.  Here's what I noticed.

President Trump's Trip Abroad

Trump doesn't want to govern. Trump doesn't want to unite the country.  Trump just wants to wield power. I feel certain he's enriching himself but I'm not even sure that is at his core. He wants people to grovel at his feet.  Being rich just makes it easier to get there.

White House Coronavirus Press Briefing

Today's Trump sounds tired.  Remember, I'm just listening to his voice via a podcast.  I'm not watching the images.  I spent a career listening to voices in the dark.  I think I'm actually better at judging people without the visual distraction of images or face-to-face meetings.  I hear an energy and confidence in these episodes of old Trump that are missing in today's Trump.  He's tired. He's weakening. He's slow.

Watch it. Listen to it. And remember all the things that you've forgotten in the last four years.  Then, make sure you get involved and get everybody you know to vote for the Democrats this year.

Off you go.

Don Brown
May 13, 2020


R. Doug Wicker said…
Welcome back to the blogosphere, Don! We missed you!
Don Brown said…
Thanks Doug.

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