Sunstar By Oscar

I finally managed to stop talking to people on the trail and make it far enough up the Bankhead Trail to catch a sunstar by Oscar (the rock).  Those that aren't crazy enough to get up to watch the sunrise miss out on the subtle rhythm of the Sun.  It moves, every so slightly, every day.  That means the sunstar moves.  And it changes when it shows up, every day.  If it shows at all.

Clouds happen.  The sunrise doesn't wait.  For anything.  Burnt toast, oversleeping, a train crossing — it doesn't matter.  The Sun will rise on its own time and the Golden Hour only lasts for an hour — no matter how few people you stop to talk to.

By the way, to get an idea how dark it is in the forest, take a look at the exposure data.  As I had to explain one time, I write it down so *I* notice.   

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
F29@13 seconds
ISO 400
White Balance on Flash

©Don Brown 2024


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