Wintry Mix

Remember the other day when I was trying to get frost to form on the wine glass at sunrise?  Yeah, well Winter came for a visit to Huntsville.  And I had this wine glass I'd been thinking about.  And I had this Christmas tree sitting in the garage, waiting for me to put it in storage.  And #FlickrFriday decided to have #Mix as its theme for the week.  Then the weather lady said "Wintry Mix" and I had an idea.

So I opened the garage, drug the Christmas tree out into the snow, put the wine glass on my trusty display table and left them out there for a few hours — in the wintry mix — until dusk.  I was hoping for a little more snow than sleet — so the tree would turn whiter — but the streaks from the sleet falling kind of made up for it.

Nikon D7200 — Nikon 80-200mm F2.8
ISO 400

©Don Brown 2024


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