Paulson. Again.

You might remember I’ve mentioned the $3.7-billion-dollar man several times. I’m sure you’re not surprised to know he’s in the book I’m reading -- All the Devils Are Here -- anymore than I am.

Here’s three more must-read paragraphs. Don’t worry about all the fancy names for financial instruments. You’ll understand the truth of it. It’s pretty simple.

I’m trying to find words to describe how despicable a system is that won’t let bankers keep people in their homes because some Wall Street guy is going to get rich if they get kicked out. I’m failing.

I can’t say enough good things about All the Devils Are Here. It will make you mad. It’s all so unbelievable. You’ve got to read it.

By the way, I always miss the Shakespearean references (because I can’t read Shakespeare.)

”Hell is empty. And all the devils are here.”

The Tempest
William Shakespeare

Don Brown
February 2, 2011


Kevin Gilmore said…
Thanks for the suggestion. It's next in my queue after Decisions.

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