Where Nature Decided

It was a very strange morning.  It was clear overhead but there was a stealth layer of clouds blocking the Sun in the east.  Seriously, I checked the satellite loop and it wasn't showing any clouds.  But there they were.  And the color palette of the sky was strange too.  I kept checking the color balance setting to make sure I was on "Daylight" and not something else, by accident.

You can see the color here looks a little different.  But it's the same setting I always use when I'm in the forest — white balance on "Flash" — the chase away the blue light in the shadows. It was just one of those mornings where nature decided it would try something new.

The Sun shines through the forest on The Portal — a mountain bike trail in Monte Sano State Park, Huntsville, Alabama. 

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
F25@8 seconds
ISO 400
White Balance on Flash

©Don Brown 2024


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