The Sun is Done

Well, that's it until about October 17th or so.  The Sun is done rising north of the Golan Heights for the year and will stay behind it until mid-October. That's a great thing about Flickr.  It's not only a photographic diary — reminding you of what you were doing when — but it's also a forecast of what you will be doing.  Especially if you go to the same place every day to take pictures.  Expect to see the black walnut in silhouette, more pictures of the trails and colors in the sky.  Anything except the Sun breaking the horizon.  Because the horizon will be boring now.

It also means I'll start whining at the park folks again. (I thought they might like a heads-up.)  The overlook is getting overgrown and if they don't start topping trees (or just cutting them down) there won't be a look to the overlook.  The staff are a great group of folks (seriously, I know most of them) but like all organizations, they don't have enough money, time or manpower to keep on top of things. (I'll never understand why that is true — from the burger joint to the doctor's office to the news channel to the government.)  So the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  I hate it.  But that's the way it is — and I know how to squeak.

From the overlook at Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville, Alabama.

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
ISO 400

©Don Brown 2024


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