My Garden Now

 Contemplate, if you will, on what you leave behind.  All of the following pictures are from my garden now, as it exists this morning.  It took me less than 30 minutes to take all these pictures. I don't know the guy that previously owned this house and he didn't know me.  I didn't know what he (or she) planted and they certainly didn't know a photographer would buy their house.  I haven't been here long enough to plant a thing.  I've done nothing to deserve this bounty of beauty.  Yet here I am, enjoying the flowers of their labors.

What will you leave behind for the unknown people who will come after you?

I hope the people that bought my house enjoy the daffodils.  And the azaleas.  And the yoshina cherry trees.

In a book I once read, long ago, was a sound piece of advice. "Always leave a trail better than you found it."  We can't all be trailblazers.  But if you use it, take the time to leave it better than you found it.

Don Brown
June 7, 2021


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