Mother Father

Maybe I need to go back to the cemetery.  Another non-sunrise on Monte Sano.  Here's one from the archives — November last year.

Just a reminder.  If you're searching for a location to make pictures and you're stuck in a city, cemeteries are hard to beat.  Once you can answer why, you'll understand my desire for a photography park.  

Cemeteries are designed to be pleasing to the eye, both in landscaping and layout.  They are quiet and contemplative. The dead do not need electricity.  There are no overhead wires, usually no lights and very, very few signs.  Especially of the ugly, reflective, get-your-attention road signs.  Oh, and cemeteries are full of art.  Art designed to endure the test of time.

That's pretty good for a "park" that isn't designed for photographers. Imagine how pretty one could be that was designed with photographers in mind.

Nikon D7200 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
ISO 400

©Don Brown 2022


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