Beauty is in the Gold

Here's the same picture, shot with the White Balance like normal — "Direct Sunlight".  I like the picture fine.  It's just that I saw blue in the shadows and I wasn't getting any in the picture.  You are welcome to like whichever version you like.

A camera doesn't "se"e like we see, and for ages, that has been the skill of an outdoor photographer — to see like a camera sees.  Now, with computers, that is all changing.  Photoshop has created a whole new world of digital imaging.  But the real change — the one that is changing what you expect to see — in the smart phone.  Now with multiple camera lenses and powerful software, the programmers are making the camera "see" like people see.  Even more importantly — they are making images that look *better* than what they see.  Especailly with themselves in it.  And who doesn't want to look better in pictures than in real life? 

I find something about that deeply disturbing. Paulina Porizkova is beautiful enough (and incredibly photogenic).  Do we really need to make the most beautiful women in the world even more beautiful?  Is that even possible?  Do we think we can make the Grand Canyon more beautiful?  Or was Teddy Roosevelt right when he wisely said, "Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it."?

Oh well. I'll figure out how to explain it one day. Just try to keep in mind; even an "ugly" day spent at a beautiful place is still pretty beautiful. 

Nikon D7200 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
ISO 400
WB Incandescent 

©Don Brown 2022


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