ERAM Update 5-11-11
Just a quick update on the last incident. I had one person tell me that the computer glitch at Houston Center wasn’t ERAM. Interestingly, no one wrote to say what is was.
Like I said, quiet.
Don Brown
The Flick -- A term used by air traffic controllers to describe a mental model representing the current and future positions of air traffic in a section of airspace. Controllers visualize the paths of multiple aircraft in terms of position, altitude, trajectory and speed. Controllers also refer to this as "having the picture." But the picture moves -- like a movie -- hence the term “the flick.”
Maybe they like it, it cause their counts to go up. :)
Someday, if you're really bored, I'll tell you all about the horror show that goes on daily at the WJHughes Tech Center in NJ. It involves some of the same people as those behind ERAM and HADDS, and it's just as ugly as you're afraid it is.