Research Hazard

The problem with doing any research on a blog entry (instead of just writing off the top of my head) is that you run into so much interesting stuff that you get sidetracked.

Challenges Facing the Implementation of FAA's Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Program

”On October 17, 2007, the Inspector General testified on FAA's implementation of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Program (ADS-B) before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation.


Our work shows that key areas for FAA oversight include managing requirements and having the right in-house expertise and skill mix for effective management and oversight. This will be particularly important since FAA will not own the ADS-B hardware, software, or infrastructure. We are concerned that FAA could find itself in a situation where it knows very little about the system that is expected to be the foundation of NextGen. FAA must take steps to ensure it effectively addresses this risk.”

(Emphasis added)

I figure those word are worth saving for a rainy day. Back to writing.

Don Brown
October 2, 2010


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