Delta Delays
I’ve been watching this story for a couple of days and it doesn’t look like it is going away.
Passenger Rights Advocate Claims Delta Hacked Her Email
”Hanni's computer was illegally accessed over the summer; AOL confirmed that her e-mail account had been compromised. The hacker corrupted and destroyed some files, and copied others to a still-unknown location.“
Every time I see a new story on the subject, it has another piece of confirmation from a third party.
”In a sworn affidavit, Frederick Foreman, the Metron employee, said that his superiors approached him in late September and informed him of the breach. They told him that the e-mails at issue were those between himself and Hanni, and that they were sent from his private, rather than company, e-mail account.“
You’ll need to read the whole story to get the gist of that but the important part is that Delta supposedly had emails from their private email accounts.
It’s clearer in this story from AP a few days ago.
Flyer advocate says Delta obtained hacked e-mails
You can also read Delta’s denial there.
”A spokesman for the world's biggest airline operator, Trebor Banstetter, denied that Delta hacked Hanni's e-mail account. He says Delta can't comment further on the lawsuit.
"Obviously, the idea that Delta would hack into someone's e-mail is clearly without merit," Banstetter said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.“
There is even more detailed information at The Dallas Morning News.
And the heart of all this is airline delays. Ms. Hanni was on one of those flights from hell that got delayed for hours and hours a few years back. She formed an organization to fight for a passenger “bill of rights”. Evidently, she isn’t going away. We know the delays aren’t going away. So, the only question left is; Will this story go away ? It doesn’t look like it.
Don Brown
October 17, 2009