New Digs

A barrel racer starts the turn at the #2 barrel in The Agribition Center, on the campus of Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama.

(Boring photography stuff below)

I have to say I'm pleased with the job the "new" (to me) Nikon D7500 did at the barrel race.  This was shot at ISO 16,000.  But even with that I'm still hanging on the edge (when are we not?) at F2.8@1/400th.  Max aperture, minimum shutter speed.  But I had to shoot the last one at 1/320th.  Even with the higher ISO I can still crop them a little. 

I guess if I'd go out and buy one of those new $5,500 Nikon Z9s with about $20,000 worth of lenses I'd probably be able to shoot in the dark.  And I could come home and dress it all up with Photoshop, Topaz and whatever else is out there these days (that I don't know about).   Of course, I'd have to charge money to afford that habit.  

Speaking of which, just in case it hasn't hit you… (I assume you're actually interested in photography if you've made it this far.)  Do you ever think about the future for amateur photographers?  Where are they going to come from?  Kodak used to promote stuff to amateurs because it wanted to sell film and processing to them.  What company is doing that now?

We know that a phone camera can't do the things a real camera can do, but a phone can do almost everything an amateur might want to do.  I really don't know the answer to my question.  I am not a gear guy (obviously).  But I am a curious guy.

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 80-200mm F2.8
ISO 16,000
White Balance on Warm

©Don Brown 2024


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