April 4th in TrumpWorld

Let's see how fast I can cover April 4th for the 4 years Trump was in office.

April 4, 2017

"In report after report in the Obama years, Justice Department lawyers found patterns of eye-popping rights violations and used them as leverage to force local departments to agree to major policing overhauls. But the Trump administration announced this week that it was backing away from that tough-minded approach, a move that prompted fierce debate on Tuesday in cities across the country."

Police Unions Hail Trump’s Easing of Scrutiny. Local Officials Worry

Were you like me?  Or is it just the public policy nerd in me shining through?  Immediately I asked, "When was George Floyd murdered?"  May 25, 2020.


April 4, 2018

"Lately, Mr. Trump’s antibusiness rants have become particularly menacing and caused the stocks of some companies to plunge. His Twitter posts have carried with them the threat, sometimes explicit, that he is prepared to use the power of the presidency to undermine the companies that anger him.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, long a booster of Republican presidents, is not happy."

Amazon Has Lots of Company as Trump Slams ‘Stupid’ Businesses

You thought it was just left-wing radicals that thought his presidency was chaotic?

April 4, 2019

"At stake in the dispute — the first evidence of tension between Mr. Barr and the special counsel’s office — is who shapes the public’s initial understanding of one of the most consequential government investigations in American history. Some members of Mr. Mueller’s team are concerned that, because Mr. Barr created the first narrative of the special counsel’s findings, Americans’ views will have hardened before the investigation’s conclusions become public.

Mr. Barr has said he will move quickly to release the nearly 400-page report but needs time to scrub out confidential information."

Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr Revealed

Barr has been sitting on the report since March 22 -- 14 days now.  Insiders have already figured out he's misleading the Public.  And some of the Public are still deceived -- 5 years later.


April 4, 2020

"Rarely has the schism between President Trump and his own public health advisers over the coronavirus pandemic been put on display quite so starkly. Even as he announced a new federal recommendation on Friday that Americans wear masks when out in public, he immediately disavowed it: “I am choosing not to do it.”"

Tensions Persist Between Trump and Medical Advisers Over the Coronavirus

Leading by example. He caught COVID on October 2nd (a Friday) and was in the hospital for the weekend.  Just think, if he hadn't been President, with access to the best healthcare in the world, he might have died.  You know, like all those supporters of his out in the boonies without a hospital or maybe even a doctor because he had a better plan than "Obamacare".

April 4, 2021 -- Trump is gone but not forgotten

As a matter of fact, he's still on the front page.

"Stacy Blatt was in hospice care last September listening to Rush Limbaugh’s dire warnings about how badly Donald J. Trump’s campaign needed money when he went online and chipped in everything he could: $500.

It was a big sum for a 63-year-old battling cancer and living in Kansas City on less than $1,000 per month. But that single contribution — federal records show it was his first ever — quickly multiplied. Another $500 was withdrawn the next day, then $500 the next week and every week through mid-October, without his knowledge — until Mr. Blatt’s bank account had been depleted and frozen. When his utility and rent payments bounced, he called his brother, Russell, for help."

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations

I've told you, in this series, I'm not trying to be "fair".  I will always try to be truthful.  But the New York Times was trying to be fair.  The problem is, even that makes Trump (and the Republican National Committee) look bad.

"The sheer magnitude of the money involved is staggering for politics. In the final two and a half months of 2020, the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and their shared accounts issued more than 530,000 refunds worth $64.3 million to online donors. All campaigns make refunds for various reasons, including to people who give more than the legal limit. But the sum the Trump operation refunded dwarfed that of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign and his equivalent Democratic committees, which made 37,000 online refunds totaling $5.6 million in that time."

530,000 vs. 37,000.  And just in case it hasn't hit you...

"In effect, the money that Mr. Trump eventually had to refund amounted to an interest-free loan from unwitting supporters at the most important juncture of the 2020 race."

A 64 million dollar loan.  Interest free.  Imagine what you could do with your business if you had a $454 million interest-free loan.  Imagine if you didn't have to pay taxes on it too.  Do you think you could out-compete your rivals with that advantage?  Do you think they would consider that a "victimless crime"?  Do you think the taxpayers that have to make up the difference would consider themselves non-victims?  Must be the reason we call it fraud.

This is what you're going to vote for?  Really?  A liar.  A thief.  A tax cheat. Really?  For President?

What made you such a cynic?  "They're all crooks." "You can't trust any of them." "One is just as bad as the other. I'm not voting for either."  I bet you've heard of Plato.  I also bet you haven't heard of Antisthenes.  (Okay, my 2 philosophy friends, you can put your hands down.)  Take the chance to learn something here -- and realize there's a reason you've heard of one but not the other. (Click on the link, scroll down until you see "Did you know?" and read.) 

Vote.  For the best person.

Don Brown
April 4, 2024

(I was under an hour until a read that last story.  Curses!)



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