Too Much Time

Evidently, it's been awhile since I've published a sunstar at sunrise.  I haven't looked for dust spots in a long time now.  (A new camera helped.)  But once I zoomed in to fix it….I had to fix a dozen.  I don't know how the pixel-peepers stand it.

I went to a meeting of the Huntsville Photographic Society earlier this week.  The lecturer was explaining all his techniques.  I'm so out of touch.  He mentioned Photoshop, Lightroom and some other program I've never even heard of.  I guess one day, I'll either wish I had learned all that stuff  or I'll take the time to go learn all that stuff.  But I hate having to fix dust spots.  You can imagine how I'd hate to learn masking and HDR and sharpening and all the other things you can do now.

I'd just rather go out and make more pictures.  All my hobbies have always been an excuse to spend more time outside and see what nature actually does.  I spend too much time indoors, on a computer, already.

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
F36@0.3 seconds
ISO 400
Retouched (dust spots)

©Don Brown 2024


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