ITYS -- Breaking News

Remember I told you so well over a year ago.

”I’ve taken to calling Jon Stewart the smartest man on TV. “

Run -- don’t walk -- over to The Daily Show and watch the interview with Jim Cramer. I believe the “fake” news show has broken the biggest news story of the year.

I’m still listening to the show. The link isn’t up yet but it should be by the time you read this story. I’ll update it, when I can, in the morning. Trust me. This will be THE topic of conversation Friday.

(Edit: Here’s the link for the full show. Comedy Central is milking it for all it’s worth (can’t blame them) so you might just want to visit the site and watch some snippets.)

(Second Edit: This is the first of the unedited videos. If you watch Jon on a regular basis, you know he gets "bleeped" on a regular basis. Warning -- nothing is "bleeped" in these videos. It will take about 45 minutes to watch all three.)

Don Brown
March 12, 2009


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