Spinning Out of Control

I don’t have time for lengthy analysis at the moment. But it’s Sunday -- and unless you work crazy hours like controllers do, you should.

Start with this article from eWeek

FAA's NextGen Air Trans System Planning Criticized

Remembering that just yesterday I said NextGen would cost $20 billion dollars...

”Projected to take until 2025 to complete and cost as much as $76 billion, the plan calls for precision satellite navigation; digital, networked communications; and an integrated aviation weather system in addition to improving ground infrastructure, aircraft technology and alternative fuels. “

...we’re now looking at $76 billion and despite the reference to “improving ground infrastructure” we’re still not talking about adding runways.

Be sure to look to the right side when you visit eWeek and notice the column that says “Most Read IT Infrastructure Stories in the Past 30 Days”. Today, #1 and #2 are both about the FAA.

When you get to the bottom of the story, you’ll read this.

”Rep. Mark Udall, D-Colo., chairman of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, said in a statement, "America's aviation system is vital to the continued health of our economy and our competitiveness in the wider world beyond our shores, as well as being important to our quality of life. We need to ensure that we do all that is necessary to maintain its health."“

I hope when you get there, you’ll ask yourself the same question I asked myself; Who is going to operate all this fancy technology ? The FAA is talking about spending $76 billion dollars. They destroyed their workforce quibbling over a billion or two -- supposedly. I hope it dawns on you that it isn’t about the money. It’s about who gets the money.

Don Brown
September 14, 2008


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