Free Flight and Writing

I was doing some research on “Free Flight” (remember that ?) and ran across this little amusing bit of information:

AcaDemon -- Term Papers and Essays

Airline Safety, 2007.
This paper discusses the technical complexities of regulating air traffic.
1,528 words (approx. 6.1 pages), 3 sources, MLA, AU$ 60.95
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The paper relates that the problem of air traffic accidents as a result of poor traffic control occur more often than is recognized. The paper discusses conflict alert technology regarding air traffic control and looks at the human factor and its interaction with this system. The paper explores accidents that have occurred and concludes that even state of the art technology is not enough to ensure a safe flight. The paper shows how safety requires the complex integration of both humanity and technology.

Conflict Alert Technology
The Human Factor

From the Paper
"Faulty design in terms of either the planes themselves or the technology designed to guide them safely to land, for example, can cause accidents. While these design flaws are the result of human error, they are not as directly related to the human factor as air traffic controllers themselves. These workers are also human. Any number of factors, including fatigue, distraction or a momentary lack of concentration can cause an accident and the death of hundreds or even thousands of people. Most accidents as a result of this human factor, according to Don Brown (2005), occur in lower air space, where there is a significant amount of traffic landing or taking off."

61 bucks for a 1,500 word term paper ? I’m in the wrong business. 61 times 658 blog posts = AU$ 40,138. How much is that in American ?

Oh well, maybe it’s that other Don Brown in aviation that is being quoted. Maybe he’s the one that should feel old. Back to looking for “Free Flight.” I wonder where it went ?

Don Brown
August 20, 2008


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