Say It Ain’t So

I don’t get it. These guys sound surprised.

Menendez may hold up nomination of FAA chief

”Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) said yesterday that he might hold up the nomination of Robert Sturgell to be administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration until he was satisfied with the agency's response to questions he had raised about the airspace-redesign plan.”

”He and U.S. Reps. Rob Andrews (D., N.J.) and Joe Sestak (D., Pa.) complained at a joint news conference that the FAA had reneged on public statements that it would not start using new routes for planes taking off from the Philadelphia and Newark airports until next summer. “

You mean the FAA lied to you guys ? Say it ain’t so. Welcome to the controller’s world.

Now, what are you going to do about it ?

Don Brown
December 22, 2007


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