Welcome “Atlantic” Readers

It dawned on me last night that the air traffic control parts of my blog aren’t that easy to find anymore. You are, of course, welcome to read the political stuff and look at the pictures. But if you came for the ATC, this list will make it a little easier. I picked them mostly by popularity.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll come back.

Air Traffic Safety vs. Capacity

Air Traffic for Dummies

So Reasonable

URET - A Dissenting View

The Truth

Don Brown
March 1, 2011


Jeff said…
I think you should (re)visit AVWEB Say Again? Nos. 69 & 70 for even broader perspective. Writing like that deserves re-rereading. Nice work as always, Don.
Sara Conrad said…
thanks for the great post. and thank you for being the squeaky wheel when it comes to safety. I remember when Regan fired all the air traffic control people.

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