Administrative Note 8-29-09

Today’s mention of Hard Landing reminded me that it’s been awhile since I’ve mentioned anything about how Get the Flick is set up.

All links to any books mentioned (there may be a couple of exceptions in older posts) go to my account at Amazon. If you purchase the book, you get the normal price and I get a small (let me emphasize “small”) fee.

In the left margin, you’ll see a widget from LibraryThing. Click on the words “my library” and it takes you to my library at LibraryThing. It contains many of the books I’ve read and a rating for many of them. LibraryThing is just a neat site at which you can build your own virtual library catalogue and see what others have in their libraries. If you click on a book cover, the link takes you to Amazon.

Further down in the left margin, you will see the “carrousel“ widget. That is a selection of the ten most influential books I’ve read lately. I think of these as the “heavy hitters” -- the books that provide a serious education about today’s world. It’s a struggle to limit myself to ten -- but that’s the point.

I don’t care whether you buy books through my links or not. The money is insignificant and unimportant to me. I do care that you read. I hope I am able to provide you with some valuable reading suggestions. Reading is one of the great joys of my life. If I can share that with you, well, that makes the day for me.

Don Brown
August 28, 2009


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