Take My Word

I'm not sure this is the best shot of the morning but it's the one I'm going to use.  Because this is one strange sky.  Take my word for it.  It's your typical, Southern, hazy-summer-morning horizon but those high clouds that lit up are straight out of the winter-sky playbook.  To see them at the same time was just a little bit…well, disconcerting.  

Yes, it was beautiful.  But it just seemed wrong.  If you'll remember, I saw a winter sky on June 19th also (minus the sand-colored horizon). Which reminds me.  A friend asked how long I'd been photographing sunrises.  I thought it was about 15 years.  And he casually mentioned, "So you have a visual record of the sky conditions, almost every day, for 15 years?"  Huh.  I never thought about it that way but, yes, I guess I do.  Well, at least for 13 years I do. Most of it is here on Flickr.

Fifteen minutes before sunrise and the clouds are on fire above Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville, Alabama. 

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
ISO 400
GND filter

©Don Brown 2024


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