Why? Because it Worked?

This story from the New York Times will probably fly under your radar today.  It shouldn't. Not with the election (and  4-ring-trial circus) coming up.  While the headline might draw you onto  another path (which is fine), you need to remember where we've been.

China Sows Disinformation About Hawaii Fires Using New Techniques

"For China — which largely stood on the sidelines of the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections while Russia ran hacking operations and disinformation campaigns..."

Remember?  Trump had help.  There are (at least) two things to learn from that quote.  First, the leadership of China thinks it worked -- or else they wouldn't be copying the Russians.  Second, Trump didn't win in 2020 so there are limits to the tactic. But just because there are limits as to what the interference can accomplish doesn't mean there wasn't any damage done.   America is more divided than ever.  We could argue until the cows come home as the whether Russia was the deciding factor in 2016 or not -- or as to how much damage both have done to America's unity.  But it seems obvious (to me at least) that both countries believe it is in their interest to expend the effort.

Also, be sure to note this paragraph:

"If China does engage in influence operations for the election next year, U.S. intelligence officials have assessed in recent months, it is likely to try to diminish President Biden and raise the profile of former President Donald J. Trump. While that may seem counterintuitive to Americans who remember Mr. Trump’s effort to blame Beijing for what he called the “China virus,” the intelligence officials have concluded that Chinese leaders prefer Mr. Trump. He has called for pulling Americans out of Japan, South Korea and other parts of Asia, while Mr. Biden has cut off China’s access to the most advanced chips and the equipment made to produce them."

I'm sure China's leadership couldn't care less about Trump.  But as all the foreign policy nerds constantly remind us, countries have interests -- not friends.  (Note that Joe Biden is in Vietnam making allies.  Who, in my generation, would have ever thought it?)  China thinks Joe Biden is worse for China than Donald Trump.  It's that simple. Russia does too. 

I think that makes it pretty simple to figure out which man is better for America.  But, evidently, Russia and China are pretty good at confusing the issue for a significant amount of Americans.  I hope you'll do what you can to help them get The Flick.

Don Brown
September 12, 2023


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