Lessons Learned

This isn't the best picture I took this morning (it was a nice sunrise) but it's the one I'm going to publish. Consider it a push-back to all the photoshopped perfection you see these days.  Making pictures better rather than making better pictures might win in the end.  I don't know.  But I do know which is more honest.

Anyway, I said I learned a lot from my last session with the wine glass and I learned more today.  First, make sure the glass is exceptionally clean. Second, the Moon will outshine the stars.  Third, the size (and color) of the bokeh matters.  It turns out I liked the larger bokeh (F2.8 vs. the smaller F8 bokeh) better. Fourth, focus is hard in the dark.  I still haven't figured out why only every other shot is sharp — when I have the focus lock on.  

Over all, I'm pleased except for the red lights of distant radio towers showing up.  I don't think I have a fix for that.  But I will try this again in the winter, when the stars are (relatively) brighter. (And the Sun doesn't come up so *%$#@#$ early).

Nikon D7200 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
F2.8@1.3 seconds
ISO 2,000

©Don Brown 2023


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