Pike County Forecast -- Feb. 26, 2020

Do you feel trapped in the middle?  You should.

We’ll start off pretty nice today. I’m already excited about the prospects.  It’s 47ºF at The Farm and it might drop another degree or two.  The high today will get to 60ºF. The wind -- this morning -- should stay below 10 mph.

After lunch, things will change.  As you can see from the surface map below, we’re in the middle between two cold fronts (the blue line with diamonds).  The one to the Northwest will bring rain to us, sometime after lunch.

You can get an idea of the movement (should you care to do so) from the National Radar Loop.  (It’s working again.)

I’m excited because the clouds are up high (20,000 Broken) so at least there’s a (slim) chance of a decent sunrise.

To sum it up:

Nice and cool before lunch.  Some high broken clouds but you might see the Sun.

After lunch, rain.  Probably between 2-4PM, lasting until about 8PM.  Along with the rain will come the wind.  It could get as high at 25 mph as the cold air rushes in.  Yep. It will be right at freezing tomorrow morning.

Don Brown

February 26, 2020


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