Rush Hour on the Lake
I bet it was a bumpy ride this morning around Atlanta. (Probably still is.) There was all kind of drama in the sky this morning.
Don Brown
December 26, 2012
The Flick -- A term used by air traffic controllers to describe a mental model representing the current and future positions of air traffic in a section of airspace. Controllers visualize the paths of multiple aircraft in terms of position, altitude, trajectory and speed. Controllers also refer to this as "having the picture." But the picture moves -- like a movie -- hence the term “the flick.”
I just wanted you to know that in the past, it was always comforting to know that no matter how bad the weather, the boys in Atlanta (both ARTCC and TRACON) would take very good care of you. You couldn't say the same about most of the other big terminal areas around the country. Things have changed, however. I guess that's inevitable as time marches on.
I host an aviation podcast called Airline Pilot Guy, which can be found on iTunes or I'd love to have you on the show sometime in the future, as I am always looking for experts in various aspects of our aviation world.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading your informative article, and above all, agree with your point... the bottom line in increasing capacity in the ATC system is concrete. Long, 150 feet wide pieces.