The Mica Twitch
People do remember that al-Qaeda went 4 for 4 against private security screeners don’t they?

GOP's Mica: Ditch TSA, Hire Private Contractors
”This month, Republican Rep. John Mica of Florida wrote letters to 100 of the nation's busiest airports asking that they request private security guards instead.”
Let’s not forget this part.
”Companies that could gain business if airports heed Mica's call have helped fill his campaign coffers. In the past 13 years, Mica has received almost $81,000 in campaign donations from political action committees and executives connected to some of the private contractors already at 16 U.S. airports. ”
Mica hasn’t even taken the reins of power yet and he’s already twitching to privatize Federal employees. Anybody remember the phrase “fetish for privatization”? Nothing has changed.
Tell me again -- all you Republican-voting controllers -- what were your reasons for voting Republican? You know he’ll be coming after you next, right?
Don Brown
November 21, 2010