What Do You Say ?

In case you were wondering why there hasn’t been a blog today...

Take a look at the first photo.

That’s what is left of my friend’s house. What do you say to a guy that has lost his house ? I don’t know either. I just started cleaning up the yard.

Do you see the brick chimney in the upper-right corner ? I found a 40 lbs. piece of it (bricks held together with mortar) about 50 yards from the house. I found a fully intact brick 118 paces (yards) from the house. I have no idea where the roof went.

Everybody is fine. Even the dog and the cat.

It was fascinating to see the things left undamaged. The tin roof over the wood pile. The purple martin gourds. The china cabinet -- unscratched.

I’m bushed. See you tomorrow.

Don Brown
February 19, 2009


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