Thank You Senator Lautenberg

WASHINGTON, DC - Under direct questioning from U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) today at a Senate hearing, U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters and Acting Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Robert Sturgell said they regretted remarks made last week by an FAA spokesperson, inviting air traffic controllers who had concerns over the safety of the new procedures to “look for work elsewhere” and, if they did not like working at the FAA, they should “reconsider their line of work.” “

I’ve only got one question: What price does Mr. Peter’s (the FAA spokesperson in question) pay ?

Does he forego a pay raise (as many controllers did this year) ?

Does he get days off without pay (as many controllers did) ?

Does he get fired (like many controllers were) ?

Does his arbitration get drawn out for months and months ?

I don’t want vengeance -- if I did I’d call for his head. I want justice.

Don Brown
March 4, 2008


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