Just a Curve in the (Cut) Grass

I made another visit to Blevins Gap Nature Preserve for a sunset and, while I was waiting, decided I would retry a previous shot I'd made while waiting on another sunset.  The light was much more dramatic this time but the grass had been cut.  

There's a lesson there.  If you see a shot you like, you'd better stop and get it.  Because, it might not be there the next time you get back to it.  I've had that happen so many times in nearly 40 years of taking pictures.

Anyway, it's still the best shot I got out of the trip.  You get a great view of the western sky from Blevins Gap but the foreground (the South Huntsville Library and Redstone Arsenal) leaves a lot to be desired (for photographers).  I'm grateful for any park to take pictures in.  But I'd be more grateful for a Photography Park.

Nikon D7200 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
ISO 400

©Don Brown 2023


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