FAA History Lesson -- August 17 (08)

From the FAA Historical Chronology, 1926-1996...

”Aug 17, 1994: President Clinton signed the General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994. Under the new law, manufacturers could not be held liable for accidents happening more than 18 years after the production of general aviation aircraft, engines, or parts. The legislation was followed by an upturn for this sector of industry.“

It’s hard to say conclusively but it appears this law has been good for aviation and America. Some lawyers don’t seem to be too happy with it but it appears to have done it’s job -- General Aviation was revitalized.

GA produced 17,000 aircraft in 1979. By 1983, that number fell to 2,600.

Five years after the bill was signed, 25,000 new jobs had been created, aircraft production was up 100 percent and revenue from the export of general aviation aircraft had doubled.

Two observations:

1) President Bill Clinton wasn’t all bad.

2) Public policy can have the desired effect. Government can work.

Now, if only we’d come up with an effective public policy to save the airline industry. I’ve got an idea. What’s yours ?

Don Brown
August 17, 2008


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