Imagine My Surprise

Just to show you how life goes, I was on a trail in the woods and this doe was on the road (the Bankhead Trail). You just never know, which is why I keep my camera on a setting I customized just for these conditions (walking through the woods).  Auto ISO, 1/125th of a second and the White Balance on Flash.  The shutter speed is a compromise — fast enough to freeze most motion but slow enough to keep a decent ISO.  I just like the amount of warmth the "Flash" setting gives me over the "Shade" setting of White Balance.

So, imagine my surprise when I looked at the data on this and saw the ISO was 51,200.  I don't think my last camera would even go that high.  And as everybody knows, I don't ever buy the latest-greatest.  I'm guessing the newest cameras can make dark look like daylight. 

Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED VR
ISO 51,200
EV +0.3

©Don Brown 2024


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