Haste Makes Waste
Hastily making our way to Florida (yuck !), it occurs to me that we’ve turned much of our country into a wasteland. Seriously -- is there anything left to see on the interstate ? Every crossroad looks the same. McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Arby’s -- Chevron, Exxon, Shell -- Hampton Inn, Comfort Inn, Motel 6. Toss in KFC, Pizza Hut, whatever. All same-same.
I don’t know about you, but our family can hardly enjoy the Holidays because we’re so rushed to enjoy the Holidays. We all feel compelled to enjoy them with every single one of our friends and families.
I’d love to explore the subject further but I’ve got to get going. Check out time at the Hampton Inn is approaching and I’ve still got to fill the car up at the Exxon station on the corner. Maybe the kids can get some breakfast at the McDonald’s next door. If I can ignore the GPS, the radio, the DVD player and all the billboards -- maybe I can think about it all at 70 miles per hour, as we try to hook up with the rest of our family that is coming back from visiting friends.
Don Brown
December 27, 2008