Be a Skeeter
"I just don't know what to do!" "I'm nobody, what can I do?" "I wish there was something I could do but I don't have any power or influence."
I bet you hear a lot of that from your non-MAGA friends right now. Maybe even some of your MAGA friends who have now seen the light. (Yeah, I know.) It's pretty obvious that Trump 2.0 isn't going to be like Trump 1.0. He is unleashed. Change the Constitution with an Executive Order, create your own militia, rewrite history. As I say to all my friends, "Who is going to stop him?".
We are going to stop him. Us. The Nobodies. But you have to get your mind right first.
We aren't going to participate in a plot against the United States. We aren't going out to buy a bunch of (new) guns. (I'm a Southerner. I've always had guns. From as far back as I can remember. If it comes to that (guns), don't worry. There will be plenty of guns to pick up from the dead.) We're not going to go toe-to-toe with the Proud Boys. Nope. We're going to become skeeters. That's right, mosquitoes.
Think about it. Just one mosquito can make you nuts. And if you've ever been in a place with a bunch of them, you don't hang out do you? You decide it's better to move the party inside. Of course, by that time you have a bunch of bites that are going to itch all night. Next thing you know, you're losing sleep. And wherever it was you decided to play, you never want to go back there again.
Mosquitoes don't act in concert. They don't have a plan. They just bite. Mosquitoes don't have any power. They're tiny. We slap at them, spray chemicals, drain swamps and yet, they're still everywhere. They persist. And they drive us mad.
So become a skeeter. Call up your MAGA Congressman. Every day. It doesn't matter what you say.
"You know the Congressman is a dipstick, right?".
"I'm calling to ask the Congressman to oppose H.R. 38".
I don't care if you just hang up once you're talking to a staffer. Read them a Bible verse. (You think the folks that got them elected don't read Bible verses to them?) Ask the staffer to pray with you. Tell them how your wife's second cousin's daughter lost her Social Security benefits and wants to know if the Congressman can help. It doesn't matter, just make them itch.
And your MAGA neighbor? Shun them. Don't invite them to the party. Look at them with pity. Whisper about them. Tell your neighbors, "Bless their hearts. They fell for the Deceiver". I'm the last person to tell you how to manipulate people. I'm just telling you to manipulate them. Make them itch.
I stop and take pictures of their Trump flags flying in the yard. "I'm an amateur photographer. I take pictures. You're proud of your Trump flags, right?" Take note, all these things are perfectly legal. You have a right to call your Congressman and your Senators. You have a right to free speech, to free expression, to free association, to peacefully assemble.
Learn to fly a drone. Write a protest song. Send a message. Preach a sermon. Crumple up a piece of paper, write "White Trash" on it and mail it to the White House. (Worried about fingerprints? I'm not. Wear gloves if you are. Seriously? You can't send the President a nasty-gram? No wonder MAGA is winning.)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
takes time, effort and attention to attend to all these things. To
answer the phone, to take notes on the conversation, to open a letter
and unfold a blank piece of paper. That's time they aren't spending on
making your life miserable. Even if it's just email. (Think about how
much time you waste, cleaning out advertisements from your inbox.)
Take pictures in the grocery store.
The price of eggs when Biden was in office:
Your MAGA neighbor wants to talk about the price of eggs? Let's talk about the price of eggs. At least we had eggs when Joe Biden was President.
out loud, snicker and point when you see anyone with a Trump sticker on
their car. Whatever you're comfortable with. It all comes down to
using your head. It's the small, tiny things. Just make them itch.
Don Brown
January 26, 2025