Madison County Lake
One of my Twitter friends asked if I had found a lake to shoot the sunrise on yet. I hadn't. So I decided to look around. The county I now live in has one -- simply named Madison County Lake. I didn't get up in time for the sunrise (have I mentioned they are really early here?) but that's okay. I don't really like walking around in the dark at a new place. I'd rather explore a place in the daylight first.
I arrived just a couple of minutes before 6AM. I'm glad I didn't get up for the sunrise. It was an overcast, grey kind of day. There was a pretty good wind too.
The first thing you learn is that it's a fishing lake. The signs scream fishing. The layout is for fishing. Fishing, fishing, fishing. It's okay. I get along with fishermen.
Yeah, like I said, the light was pretty bad. It didn't get much better as the light came up either.
I guess I'll have to come back when the light is better. I hope I get to see more fly fishing.
Don Brown
May 18, 2021