That's Pretty Dang Sharp

(Okay, now I'm just monkeying around to see what I can do with Blogger.)

 This is a shot from a recent rodeo that is cropped way, way, way down.  (About 1/6th of the original image.)  I've been having trouble with getting sharp images from this camera.  I took a look at this image and thought, well, "that's pretty dang sharp".  I mean, I can read  "Farmers Co-op" on the breast collar, see the tape on his boots and the orange knife in his pocket.  (I can't read the label on his jeans.  Just to let you know there are limits.)

It reminds me of the only two rules you need to know about photography when things go wrong.

#1 Check the battery
#2 Check the operator

Nikon D7200 -- Nikon 80-200mm F2.8
ISO 1,100
EV - 0.3

By this time in the rodeo I was reduced to holding an umbrella in one hand and shooting with one hand.  So the camera is on a tripod with a gimbal head.  I can't zoom, focus or adjust my shutter settings with just one hand so I'm totally reliant on the auto setting.  Basically I'm just banging away and hoping for the best.  

(RDO_7174 - 3)
©Don Brown 2019



drydiggins said…
Trying to keep up with the grandkids, sometimes I feel like a mook leaving my camera in auto.

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